Cross-functional supply teams

Cross-functional teams consist of the employees of different functions and are engaged in tasks associated with supplies. It is widely believed that cross-functional teams with good professionals are to achieve better results in problems solving and provide higher profit organization as a whole at a lower cost, shorter terms, and so that the persons concerned are eager to perceive their results. Effective cross-functional teams save time through using not the serial, but parallel approach. For instance, if the development of a new process, its design, build and implementation of the workers involved major stakeholder groups, this process will face less difficulty from the outset, it will be eagerly accepted and quickly adapted . The cycle time can be less than without command, but in this case at the beginning of the process, a more concentrated work of all participants is required. Three types of cross-functional teams to supply are  very important: supply , developing new products , managing products.

Sourcing team
Supplies and other related functional areas of focus are included in the composition of cross-functional sourcing team workers. This kind of team can deal with a wide range of projects, including the development of strategies to reduce the costs of sourcing strategies for individual businesses, business units and the organization as a whole, performance measurement of suppliers and choose the most appropriate one, to analyze the values, costs, identify opportunities consolidated.

Team to develop new products / services
Effective development of new products or services can improve the competitive position of the company. Cross-functional teams are able to reduce development cycle time, improve product quality, reduce development costs, leading the work in parallel rather than sequentially, as in other cases. Instead of each functional area to perform its task , and then passed on the project the following functional area , key functional groups (usually employees of the design and engineering departments , production, quality control department , purchasing and marketing ) are working to develop a new product at the same time . Since a significant proportion of production costs accounted for purchased materials, in the early stages of development the involvement of suppliers is often required. In the survey, a lot of managers questioned on deliveries reported that they are increasingly involved in the design and development of new products and services.

Team of merchandising managers
Team management products are formed if the cost of this component is high and if the goods are inherently complex and important to the success of the organization. Typically, these teams work constantly, so that its members gain experience of working with such goods, provided a higher cross-functional coordination and communication, is more control over the programs and standards set more active communication with suppliers. These teams develop and implement commodity strategies designed to obtain the minimum total cost. They perform a number of activities, including a reduction in the supply base, consolidation requirements, certification of product quality supplier, supply chain management and order fulfillment, as well as engaged in projects to reduce costs and manage relationships with suppliers.

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