«Kanban» system

"Kanban" is a simple and effective system of control, which helps to realize the system ‘just in time’ in practice. "Kanban" in Japanese means " card " , the use of such cards has become a major element in many control systems used in Japanese companies , including Toyota, whose system of " Kanban " attracted great attention of specialists around the world.

One of the “kanban” demand is a small batch size, which is typical for a system “Just in Time”, and separate production units. These systems are more useful for regular production of components in high volumes. On the other hand, they are less expensive and suitable for larger parts that are expensive to store and move large quantities, for rarely and irregularly applied products, as well as for industries with in-line production.

There are two types of “Kanban ": with one card and two. In systems with two cards are used card transfer (C - kanban) and card production (P - kanban). In single-card systems only C - kanban is used. Transactions in the system with two cards run on the following rules:
1) No detail should be issued as long as the incoming P- Kanban will not allow production. The workers at this time can be engaged in operational work, cleaning the equipment or improvement, awaiting the arrival of the P- kanban, but do not make parts that are not requested. The transfer of parts between the units is carried out by means of the C- kanban.
2) For transporting parts can only be used standard containers, which are always filled with a predetermined quantity of product is usually small.
3) Each container is allocated only one C- kanban and one P- kanban.
Operation of such a system directs the department members "drawing” materials through the system using the "kanban ". The basic management elements of the system are the size of the container and the number of containers (and therefore - the number of "kanban") in the system. The control is very accurate, flexible, and does not allow operatives unwanted accumulation of inventories. For example, the actual assembly of parts into a fully finished product gives the command “pull” production of additional details.

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